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Work Injuries

Pain Management & Anesthesiology located in Union, Scotch Plains, South Bound Brook, New Brunswick, Old Bridge and Woodbridge, NJ

Work Injuries

About Work Injuries

Workplace injuries affect your income and cause long-term pain and disability. If you suffer a work injury, visit the Union Anesthesia Associates team at one of their convenient offices in Union, Scotch Plains, Bloomfield, South Bound Brook, New Brunswick, Old Bridge, and Woodbridge, New Jersey. The board-certified clinicians excel at evaluating and treating injuries so you can get back to work quickly. Call your nearest Union Anesthesia Associates office today or schedule a consultation online for specialized work injury care.

Work Injuries Q&A

Which work injuries are most common?

The most common injuries people suffer at work include:

  • Cuts, bruises, and abrasions
  • Strains (muscle and/or tendon damage)
  • Sprains (ligament damage)
  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) and concussion
  • Headaches
  • Bulging and herniated spinal discs
  • Fractures (broken bones)
  • Dislocated joints (where the bones and tissues separate)
  • Repetitive strain injuries (RSIs)

RSIs develop gradually by repeatedly making the same movements or remaining in one position for long periods. Examples include carpal tunnel syndrome in the wrist, rotator cuff pain in the shoulder, and plantar fasciitis in the heel.

Acute (sudden) injuries happen when you slip, fall, move awkwardly, or overreach. You could suffer a crush injury if something falls on or squashes you. If you drive at work, you could injure yourself in a motor vehicle accident.

What should I do if I suffer a work injury?

Whenever you hurt yourself at work, report the incident to your manager and make sure they record it. You should then visit Union Anesthesia Associates for an assessment, even if you believe you’re not seriously hurt. This procedure is necessary if you make a workers’ compensation or other claim for damages.

Your doctor asks how the injury happened and what symptoms you experience. They complete a physical exam, looking for pain, redness, swelling, bruising, and reduced or lost function. Depending on what they find, the team could recommend procedures to determine where your symptoms are and what’s causing them:

  • X-rays
  • MRI
  • Ultrasound
  • CT scan
  • Nerve block (local anesthetic) injections
  • Discography (to examine the spinal discs)

When they get the results, your doctor prepares a personalized treatment plan to address your needs.

How are work injuries treated?

Usually, the Union Anesthesia Associates team begins with noninvasive treatments like physical therapy and medication (unless your condition requires urgent surgery). If initial treatments prove ineffective, they move on to minimally invasive procedures. These include:

  • Epidural steroid injections
  • Medial branch or facet joint injections
  • Nerve block injections
  • Microdiscectomy (removing damaged spinal disc material)
  • Percutaneous disc nucleoplasty for damaged spinal discs
  • Laser surgery using light energy instead of instruments
  • Pulsed radiofrequency neurotomy (PRFN) to deaden nerves
  • Endoscopic (minimally invasive) spine surgery
  • Spinal cord stimulation (stops pain signals from reaching your brain)

The team monitors your progress with regular checkups. They adjust your treatment to help you recover quickly and completely.

Call Union Anesthesia Associates today or book an appointment online if you suffer a work injury.